School Life

At Emmanuel Community School Beam Park, every aspect of school life will be designed to ensure the rounded development of each pupil.

The learning environment will be one that provided pathways for every child to reach their potential no matter what their talent. Through enrichment activities and providing activities across and beyond the curriculum we would create opportunities for all pupils to grow intellectually, morally, creatively, physically, and spiritually.

Our commitment to spiritual development has implications right across the curriculum, and at all ages. Every subject area would include in its aims such objectives as the following:

School Day

8:00am – 9:00am: Breakfast Club
9:00am: Registration / Start of School Day
10:45am – 11:00am: Break
12:00pm – 12:45pm: Lunch
15:30pm: End of School Day
15:30pm – 18:00pm: Extended Activities/ After School Clubs

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